End of Summer Green Drinks
Green Drinks will be at the Hilton, 500East 4th St in Downtown Austin. This month will feature complimentary cocktails from 360 Vodka. Austin Green Drink Happy Hours are an informal event that happens periodically in various venues throughout Austin. They are open to those of us who work in the environmental field and/or who routinely find innovative ways to meet the challenges of a sustainable future. We get Architects, Activists, Permit Writers, Consultants, Industrialists, Artists, Biking Groups and lots of others that have an interest in the environmental field. Gatherings range from 10-50. If you are interested in sponsoring an event please let us know by contacting admin at zerowastenetwork.org To sign up for the list please visit:http://lists.preventpollution.org/mailman/listinfo/lists.preventpollution.org_greendrinks
Hello Green Drinks coordinator!
As someone who's interested in making our food system sustainable, I thought you or your Green Drinks chapter might be interested in this opportunity.
On February 12, 2011, The Glynwood Institute for Sustainable Food and Farming will host TEDxManhattan “Changing the Way We Eat,” a one-day TEDx event on sustainable food and farming. We will explore the food system -- from what happened, to where we are, to what we are doing to shift to a more sustainable way of eating and farming. In an effort to let as many people as possible participate in TEDxManhattan, we will webcast the event live, and are encouraging individuals and groups around the country to set up their own viewing parties.
I'm reaching out to see if you are interested in hosting a satellite viewing party. We have amazing speakers coming and would love to share the experience with you. We have some ideas about what events will look like, but you are encouraged to bring your own! Parties can be any size, from just you and few friends to a full house of up to 100 people. In general, the viewing parties will revolve around the speakers in New York City who have talks scheduled from 9 AM to 6 PM EST (with breaks, of course) on Saturday, February 12.
The coordinators of the parties are responsible for:
* Finding a non-commercial venue (aka your home, church, non-profit, office, community center, etc)
* Streaming the webcast in its entirety (people can come and go but you must show the entire event)
* Thinking of fun things to do during the breaks (pot-luck? guest speaker(s)? local recipe exchange? group tamale making?)
If this interests you, you can create your party right now! We are using Meet Up Everywhere to register the events. You can find more information on the viewing parties here, and please email me with any questions. I'm also happy to brainstorm party ideas with you. We will choose a few of the most interesting events and highlight them during TEDxManhattan.
If you are no longer a Green Drinks coordinator, please feel free to forward this message to whomever is organizing now.
Thanks for all you do,
Carrie B
I want to buy some good quality Green supplements for my weight loss process. Please help and recommend good results on this.
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