Green Drinks Austin

August Green Drinks - Fri 26, Threadgills

Sit down and have a cool drink in the last of the summer heat at Austin's own Threadgills.

What I like about Green Drinks is the conversations I have. Last month we were talking about how a lot of people didn't think of the environment even though environmental issues deeply affect them. Maybe you know a developer, landscaper, personal trainer, bike riding enthusiast or medical professional. The environment is very important to all these people. Let's make a pledge this month to bring someone who is "light green" even "grey" to the green drinks happy hour.

Wavespur Media has once again arranged a venue and some live music.


Threadgills North 5:00-7:30 North Lamar Blvd
Austin, Texas 78752

Aaron Hamre will be entertaining us with his funky world-beat folk rock.


Thursday, August 04, 2005